2021 Report



ACCIONA has more than 150 years of experience in building transport infrastructure. To date, the group has participated in the design and execution of more than 10,000 km of transport infrastructures including roads, bridges, tunnels, railways and some of the most significant underground projects in the world.

2021 was another record year in terms of new contracts awarded, totally more than €8.5 billion, which means that backlog at the end of 2021 is over €18 billions.


ACCIONA builds resilient infrastructure for the cities of the future, offering urbanization and mobility solutions.

Our long-term ambition

Aim Result
Sustainable transformational innovation ACCIONA will develop innovative and regenerative diferential value in the company.
Regenerative ecosystems ACCIONA will develop an ecosystem of organisations capable of increasing our capacity for regenerative transformation.
Climate ACCIONA will continue to be recognised as a key player in the transition to a decarbonised economy.
Solutions-based approach ACCIONA ofers a value proposition based on integrated infrastructures designed to maximise their contribution to the SDGs.

Our Transport Solutions

ACCIONA is helping to shape the future of smart motorways and roads thanks to its experience, technical expertise and focus on sustainability.

The company participates in every phase of motorway construction projects, using big data to digitalise the design, construction and operation of its transport infrastructure to reduce execution times and costs.

When designing and building its toll roads, ACCIONA prioritises the protection of the environment and local communities, encouraging the reuse of materials and implementing innovative techniques to achieve its sustainability goals, such as by deploying construction methods that promote the circular economy.

+ 5,000 km km roads in over 25 countries

Our roads have won more than 15 awards for innovation and sustainability.


ACCIONA has been awarded:

  • a €318 million contract for the construction of nearly 12 kilometres of dual highway to help relieve trafc congestion in Arraiján (Panamá).
  • €121 million contract to extend Stephenson Avenue near Perth (Western Australia) to transform its road infrastructure.


Destacado 1

E6 Ranheim-Værnes


The recent award of the E6 Ranheim-Værnes highway reinforces ACCIONA’s presence in Norway. It is currently working on the design and construction of twin 18.5 km tunnels within the Follo Line Project, which, once completed, will be the longest railway tunnels in Scandinavia

23 km of highway

Bridges cross rivers, boost opportunities and bring lives closer. ACCIONA helps make this possible through its solutions for bridge and viaduct construction. ACCIONA builds bridges equipped against climate change, exploring innovative engineering solutions for all kinds of mountainous conditions.

+ 600 bridges built


  • ACCIONA is building the Pattullo Bridge (Canada), which consists of a four-lane bridge connecting New Westminster and Surrey


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Cebú Bridge


The Cebu Bridge has not only become an additional bridge to link mainland Cebu to Mactan Island, but also an iconic landmark in the region. The construction of this new bridge will bring numerous benefits to traffic management in the area, relieving the congestion that currently occurs on the existing bridges.


ACCIONA designs and builds tunnels to contribute to improve connections between people. In addition, ACCIONA has also designed and patented a laser-guidance solution for tunnel construction without heavy machinery, which increases drilling accuracy by more than 60 % and has saved around 30 MWh of energy.

+ 825 of tunnels


  • ACCIONA completed the Föllo Line Tunnel (Norway) consists of the longest twin rail tunnels in Scandinavia (18.5 km long), connecting Oslo and Ski in Norway.


Destacado 1

Follo line railway tunnels


The largest railway project in Norway. The project consists of the longest twin railway tunnels in Scandinavia, connecting Oslo and Ski in Norway. The project is intended to boost the economic development of the area and facilitate communication between the inhabitants of Oslo and Ski.

19.5 km km of tunnels

75 % of reused excavation material

27,000 Tn of CO2 emissions avoided during drilling

Rail mobility is essential for supporting the decarbonisation of transport and our cities. With a century of experience in the area, ACCIONA is working towards this profound change in our society through its railway and rail service solutions.

+ 3,000 km of track

+ 1,200 km of high-speed lines


  • Sydney Metro West (Australia). The contract includes the construction of 11km twin tunnels, 5 new stations and related ancillary facilities.
  • Second section of the Malolos-Clark International Airport railway line (The Philippines).


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Malolos Railway


In 2021, the first stone was laid for the construction of the railway line that will link the town of Malolos with Clark International Airport. ACCIONA will be responsible for the construction of a 6.5-kilometer section of elevated viaduct, a subway access section to Clark Airport and a station at the Clark Airport International Terminal, as well as substations and auxiliary facilities.

The largest infrastructure project in ACCIONA's history, the Sao Paulo Metro Line 6 (Brazil) will traverse 15km and 15 stations. Upon completion it will connect the centre of the capital to the city's northwest corner.


Destacado 1

Sao Paulo Metro Line


The Orange Line is the largest public-private infrastructure project under development in Latin America and the largest infrastructure project in ACCIONA’s history. It will connect the center of the capital with its northwest corner and will cross several neighborhoods where the city’s main universities are located.

15 km

15 stations

600,000 daily passengers

Rail mobility is essential for supporting the decarbonisation of transport and our cities. With a century of experience in the area, ACCIONA is working towards this profound change in our society through its railway and rail service solutions.

+ 50 of track


  • Infrastructure for climate change adaptation

ACCIONA, as part of the consortium was awarded the construction and maintenance for 29 years of The Fargo-Moorhead river diversion channel, a 48km long channel between Fargo (North Dakota) and Moorhead (Minnesota). The $1.14 billion project will divert the floods of the Red River away from population centres, which are regularly affected by flooding, protecting 235,000 people from its catastrophic effects.

This complex engineering project has an estimated construction timeframe of five years, and marks ACCIONA's entry into the concessions and construction markets in the US, where it is already present in the water and energy businesses.

ACCIONA has participated in the design and construction of more than 40 airport projects and is one of the leading global providers of airport services, offering handling, cleaning, maintenance, ambulance operation and reduced mobility assistance. ACCIONA has implemented the latest technologies in airport and aircraft assistance, which facilitate process control and increase productivity.

+ 40 airport projects

22 airpots with services


  • ACCIONA, as part of a consortium with the local group CPB, has been awarded the contract to construct the landing runway for the new Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport in Australia.

ACCIONA specializes in domestic and international freight transport, shipping to more than 500 destinations in more than 140 countries. It offers consultancy services in foreign trade, integral road transport, logistics, customs clearance, distribution and storage services.

+ 500 destinations in +140 countries

+ 1,000 M Kg carried per years

Clean energy depends on effective connections for renewable electricity, which can be a challenge for power grids. ACCIONA is able to design, build and expand transmission and substation lines through which it can connect the energy of the future.

+ 70 transmission projects in the last 12 years

400 Kv Lines and substations of up to

Future technologies

ACCIONA led a round of financing in 2021 for the Valencian startup Zeleros, dedicated to the design, development, manufacturing and commercialization of hyperloop technologies. This novel sector seeks to disrupt the transport industry through a vacuum tube system. Zeleros delivers cutting-edge technology and has currently six simultaneous prototypes. ACCIONA, as a leading global company for sustainable infrastructure development, invested in Zeleros, contributing its extensive experience and technical knowledge of constructing high-speed transport lines.