2021 Report



ACCIONA is not a neutral organization. It is unwaveringly committed to leading the sustainable transformation of this decade. Our commitment drives us to develop innovative and regenerative value in our solutions, to drive the fulfilment of our purpose from the highest governing body and to ensure that the company's values are transmitted and shared throughout the company globally.


  • Development of the open innovation program to promote projects with an impact on the SDGs.
  • Merging the Audit and Sustainability Committees into one.
  • Modification of the governance rules to adapt them to the amendments introduced in the Capital Companies Act.l.
  • Obtaining ISO 37001 and UNE 19601 compliance systems for the water business line.
  • Dissemination of the benefits of the regenerative approach in the main international discussion forums.
  • Sourcing 94% from local suppliers.


  • Apply data capture technologies and artificial intelligence models to improve the efficiency and security of business processes.
  • Adapt the Directors' Remuneration Policy to the new legislation introduced by the Capital Companies Act.
  • Update the purpose and Code of Conduct to serve as tools for cultural empowerment.
  • Obtain ISO 37001 and UNE 19601 certification for the energy business line.
  • Develop a network of local partnerships in the platform countries.
  • Formalize Internal Control over the Non-Financial Reporting System.


Innovation programs allow us to continuously anticipate market trends and disruptions, and to seek solutions that can generate new business opportunities aligned with commercial objectives.

The company seeks to be a reference in the promotion of new and better business operating solutions, more digital and capable of increasing the sustainable productivity of projects.

The 2021 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard, a report by the European Commission's IRI, ranks ACCIONA seventh in Spain and 121st in Europe in terms of R&D investment

In 2021, ACCIONA reported an innovative projects turnover of 250.2 million euros, 5.3% higher than the previous year's results. It carried out 185 projects that year, of which 57 were research projects and 128 innovation projects. The company carried out 14 projects outside Spain for a combined total of €173.5 M, representing 69.3% of the total innovative projects turnover reported.


Lines of R&D&I research in ACCIONA's main business lines


Renewable Energies

  • Life extension
  • Power maximization
  • Advanced O&M Technologies
  • Advanced solar PV technologies
  • Innovation in ESG
  • Storage and hybridization
  • Renewable hydrogen
  • Vehicle to grid
  • New business models and digital innovation
  • Waste to industry
  • Offshore wind turbines


  • Innovative materials
  • Digitization
  • Environmental aspects of works

Water technologies

  • Desalination and new technologies
  • Water purification and reuse
  • Water purification and chemistry

Sharing innovation

ACCIONA seeks to anticipate and explore new technologies and their application to business through innovation and the development of digital solutions. It also focuses on the internal development of digital products that boost competitiveness, efficiency and productivity for the benefit of customers and citizens.

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    Smart citiesdevelopment and integration of a hyperlocalized weather forecasting tool to optimize the deployment of winter maintenance equipment.

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    IoT & new technologiesdevelopment of hardware for preventive maintenance of wind turbines through noise capture and thermographic analysis.

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    Robotics, data & AIDevelopment of a proof of concept in Chile for the automation of mining cycle processes using the SPOT robot dog, thus reducing risks for workers. Development of predictive models and virtual pollutant meters for desalination plants and water treatment plants.

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    Mixed realitydevelopment of an augmented reality experience for guided tours at the Energy Control Centre.

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    3D printingdiscovery, in collaboration with international partners, of a binder that enables printing from recycled microplastics of different origins (oceanic, fluvial or terrestrial), further facilitating the removal of this waste.

In 2021, ACCIONA also launched the fifth open innovation program, I'MNOVATION #Startups, allowing startups from all over the world to present ideas aimed at overcoming the main technological challenges faced by the company in its various business lines.


The company, in the development of its activity, maintains relations with public administrations and participates in infrastructure tender processes in various countries, so it is essential to analyze the risks of corruption in each project according to the country and the importance of the operation in question.

To fight corruption and bribery, as well as money laundering, ACCIONA has various tools to prevent or identify possible cases of malpractice:

  • Anti-Corruption Policy.
  • Crime Prevention and Anti-Bribery Policy.
  • Organizational and Management Model for Crime Prevention and Anti- Corruption (MPDYA).
  • Mandatory training courses for the staff of obliged entities.
  • Communication and acceptance of the Code of Conduct, the Anti-Corruption Performance Standards and the Crime Prevention and Anti-Bribery Policy by all employees.


The company's values are recognizable and are upheld in all activities. ACCIONA's staff can count on trustworthy and credible people in the management team who uphold a certain set of values and a certain level of commitment with a clear purpose. This area of work was created with the aim of demonstrating that our commitment is genuine and that everyone in the group is aware of it and shares it. To this end, we will activate the following transformation levers to reinforce this commitment:

  • Redefining the company's purpose, promise and principles and adapting ACCIONA's code of conduct and leadership model to this new purpose.
  • To make quality and satisfaction indicators available to customers, investors, employees and suppliers, verified by independent third parties, which promote annual improvement plans.
  • Extending a common virtual meeting place accessible to all ACCIONA staff and the development of informal networks of practitioners around the company's core promises.
  • Establish processes for immersion in company values, especially in onboarding and inherent turnover businesses. This process has been updated in 2021.
  • Program of rules on the company's position regarding its commitment to, and defense of, more sustainable development models.

ACCIONA recognized as leader in climate policy engagementInfluence Map's 2021 Climate Policy Engagement A-List identifies 15 corporate leaders, including ACCIONA, which advocates an ambitious climate policy across sectors and regions. To be chosen, a company must demonstrate sufficient support for ambitious climate policies, a high level of strategic commitment to climate policy and leadership in its sector.


Dialogue and sustainable leadership

ACCIONA actively participates in the world's most prestigious international initiatives on sustainable development, the fight against climate change and ESG issues.


COP 26


World Economic Forum (WEF)


United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)


CLG Europe


World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)


Milestones 2021

  • ACCIONA has met the 2021 0% overall purchase target from companies considered No-Go Suppliers.
  • 83.3% of critical suppliers in own works to be approved have been reached, exceeding the target of 80%.
  • In 2021, suppliers continue to be evaluated according to the following criteria: deadlines, occupational risk prevention, quality, environment, compliance with administrative obligations and technical capabilities. 94% percent of these evaluations were type A or B (highly recommended or recommended supplier).

Management challenges 2022

  • Extend the No-Go criteria to suppliers by adapting them to the social safeguards criteria. Maintain 0% of general purchases from No-Go suppliers.
  • Increase the target from 80% to 85% of critical suppliers on own site to be certified.
  • Go Live: new enriched methodology for ESG-focused supplier segmentation, assessment and improvement.

Progress in 2021 included the promotion of paperless technologies, the digitization of the purchasing plan, the new CATMAN module (lever for sustainable development of the supply chain) and the implementation of the Delegated Model, with a presence in Australia.


ACCIONA has incorporated sustainability criteria in procurement and contracting management through the Sustainable Procurement Guide. In addition, the following initiatives have been promoted.

  1. Mide Lo Que Importa (Measure what matters): a program designed to raise awareness and support selected supplier SMEs, and fully subsidized by ACCIONA to learn about, measure and improve their sustainability
  2. Sustainable development programs with strategic suppliers through Category Managers:
    • Global identification and branding of suppliers with the best sustainability performance as preferred bidders.
    • Technical feasibility study on the use of low-CO2 concrete alternatives on site.
    • Incorporation of electric machines with the aim of gaining knowledge and experience in the use of these machines, generating a reduction of CO₂ in operations.



Energy efficient vehicle fleet


ECO vehicles in the service fleet


Renewable materials


tons of wood with chain of custody certificates


Contracting of Special Employment Centres


contracts with Special Employment Centers that promote the incorporation of people with disabilities into the labor market.